
Mass Tort Plaintiff Searches: Why You Should Use a Professional Search Firm


At HeirSearch, we search for mass tort plaintiffs and their heirs. Common torts we can assist with include:

  • Infliction of physical or emotional harm
  • Assault and or battery
  • Personal property conversion or damage

Similar to class actions, a defendant’s negotiating strategy can negatively impact the notification process. If not countered in the early stages of the tort process, this strategy can render the value of an individual settlement worthless to many, if not the majority, of potential plaintiffs. In other words, claims can’t materialize if the plaintiff isn’t notified of the tort.

In torts, the defendant’s strategy can have a more significant financial impact than in a class action suit because plaintiffs are treated as individuals rather than as a class. Consequently     , the compensation plaintiffs receive is based on the severity of the individual’s damages.

For better results, in the early stages of torts, legal professionals should anticipate future needs by securing access to reliable address information (current and former) for each plaintiff. This establishes the information required from the defendant’s records (willingly provided or otherwise court-ordered) and enables the highest number of plaintiffs to be contacted.

To support with this, HeirSearch can:

  • Assess the plaintiffs’ data to forecast the success ratio for locating them
  • Complete missing plaintiff searches faster and more effectively than in-house searches, publication notices, and database searches combined
  • Sometimes guarantee “Live Verification” of the reported address

Since 1967, we have harnessed our forensic genealogy expertise to complete mass tort plaintiff searches. We are proud to have achieved a success rate of 97% across our heir searches. We will complete your searches faster, more effectively, and cost-efficiently than your in-house searches.

We offer no-cost, no-obligation consultations, even if you are not planning to start your mass tort plaintiff search immediately.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how HeirSearch can help with your mass tort plaintiff           searches.